Click on the PDF icon below your chosen image or activity to download.
(More are available on the PC page than on the mobile page)
I would be delighted to see your finished artworks!
Share them on Facebook or Instagram @adriennebodybooks
or email to if you just want to share with me.
Te Reo Maori Activities

Te Reo Colours -
Sheep Colouring Pages x2

Te Reo Numbers Colouring Page

Te Reo Colours Word Colouring Page

Te Reo Adjective Sheep Pages.
Have the children add Te Reo and English adjectives to the blank spaces in the sentences, then colour or decorate the sheep accordingly.
CRAFT Activities

Make Pompom Sheep
Cut and Decorate Sheep Activity
Best quality at A4 size.
Can be printed at A3 size.
Christmas Colouring Pages